It wasn't my intention to run a private high school. It happened as a result of several factors and was primarily an outgrowth of the youth acting company I had been running and because I was homeschooling my own and other's children. In fact, students seemed to be everywhere. It was an exciting time and the school was a natural evolution. It made perfect sense and its roll-out was like clockwork.
The school was accredited within a year and it grew quickly from a basement to a church to a small brick school house to a larger facility with its own theater, lounge area, a slew of modern classrooms, computer lab and dance studio. The teachers were professors from nearby colleges. The staff was comprised of parents, and the students came from all walks of life, having one distinctive feature in common -- they were amazing individuals. The school grew by word of mouth from 10 students to 200 in three years. I was happy to teach classes, direct plays, and run things.
Composition, Literature, Creative Writing
High School English teacher for 6 years at Pierian Springs High School, Atlanta GA where I taught Creative Writing, American Literature, Composition, Philosophy of Literature and Hero in Literature for grades 8-12. Also ran an after-school program for improving grammar.
Art History
A survey course covering European Art from the eighteenth century to the contemporary period with a perspective on the life and thoughts of the artists. Works are discussed in the context of social, cultural, and philosophical developments.
Playwriting I and II
Taught grades 10-12 at Pierian Springs (a total of 8 courses)
Acting I and II
Led theater department for 4 years at Pierian Springs where I directed 3 shows per year, and taught acting classes.